Monday, September 1, 2014

Radish Flowers

Yesterday we were at the store getting ingredients for our weekly sushi night, when we saw radishes.  The only time I've ever gotten radishes before is when I had guinea pigs (guinea pigs love radishes), but my mom said that we should get some and make radish flowers to decorate the sushi!

When we got home I looked up a tutorial for making radish flowers, and found this one: Red Radish Waratah Flower.  I love this channel's tutorials and will definitely be using them in the future!  The steps to making this flower are a little hard to explain in writing, so I recommend watching the video for the full tutorial.  Soaking the completed flowers in ice water for several hours is a very important step, it's what makes the flower open up to its fullest extent.

I used several of my radish flowers to garnish my sushi along with some iced green onions (you can find the recipe for my safe sushi here).  I definitely recommend making multiple radish flowers, just incase some of them break.

To see more of my pictures you can find me on Instagram at @audreygracephotography.

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