Friday, September 19, 2014

Blog Transfer!

Are you ready for an exciting announcement?


Yes that's right, Blogger has fulfilled it's purpose in my blogging journey and it's time to move on to something a little more advanced (Wordpress on Bluehost).  I have transferred all of my old recipe to my new blog, which is much easier to navigate than my current one.  It has drop-down menus that list all of my recipes, new and old, under specific categories (for example BBQ Chicken Pizza would be under Savory>Main Dishes>Pizza.)

It is now much simpler to find me on social media, and share my recipes.  You can click any of the social media icons at the top of my blog to find my accounts, and there are sharing buttons at the bottom of each of my posts so that you can share any of my recipes with the click of a button.

I have also added a new About Me page that has picture of me making scrambled eggs when I was 3, along with many other pictures of me cooking throughout the years!

Please visit my new blog ( and subscribe, then un-subscribe from this blog as I will continue posting notices about my blog transfer.  Enjoy my new blog!

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