Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Breakfast with sore teeth . . .

I'm getting braces next Monday, and I got spacers last Monday (spacers are little blue rubber bands that go in between your teeth to make space).  As you can imagine, both are very painful, so I'm going to need some recipes that don't involve much chewing.  Usually I have a fried egg and toast every morning for breakfast, but today I needed something soft.  I decided on a scrambled egg and oatmeal, since I still wanted my egg and oatmeal is delicious!  That is, if you make it right.  If not, it feels like a brick in your stomach . . .

I like Kroger's quick 1 minute oats, but the funny thing is, they take a lot longer than 1 minute!  But they still are very quick . . .

The recipe on the container says to use 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup oats for one serving, but that's never enough liquid for me, and it's a pretty big serving, so I use 1 cup water, 1/2 fat-free milk, and 3/4 cup oats for 2 servings.  Then I add more milk during the cooking process.

The first step is to add your 3/4 cup oats into a medium pot.  Don't turn the heat on yet!

 Now add your 1 cup of water to your 3/4 cup oats . . .

 Along with your 1/2 cup of fat-free milk.

Now stir everything together, move the pot to a back burner, and turn on the heat to medium/high.  It's time for the eggs!

 Crack your egg into a mixing bowl, make sure not to drop any shell in!

 Get out a frying pan, turn on the heat to medium, and spray with non-stick olive oil.

 Add a dash of salt and pepper to the egg and whisk until smooth.

Once your pan is preheated, add the scrambled egg.

 Don't forget to stir your oatmeal, and add some milk every now and then!

 Cook the egg until it is fully cooked, but not browned.  Remember, it's supposed to have a little bit of moisture!

Now that my egg and oatmeal are done, it's time to eat!

 I like to add some brown sugar and raisins to my oatmeal, but I always eat the egg as is.  Nothing else necessary!

 My Mom makes homemade kefir, so I drink that with breakfast, but you can have whatever you feel like!  Juice, water, a fruit smoothy, so many possibilities!

Good luck and happy cooking, I hope your teeth feel better soon!


  1. Thanks for this recipe! A lot of people are getting braces now, making your breakfast suggestion a lifesaver for many! How long will you have to wear them? I hope your braces don't hurt that much. Good luck on these braces!
    Brian Chamberlain @

    1. I'm going to get the top row on this Monday, but they're going to wait 3 to 4 months before putting on the bottom row. I'm not sure exactly how long I'll have them on . . .
