Thursday, September 11, 2014

Coconut Chocolate Date Truffles

This past week it's been roasting, and when I say roasting, I mean roasting.  So when I felt like making a dessert it was either ice cream (which I just made) or a no-bake dessert.  So since we still have coconut passion fruit ice cream left, I was left with a no-bake dessert.  And I've never been happier.

You will never know how good dates can be until you try these truffles.  They're the perfect texture, flavor, size, everything!  You seriously need to try them.  One thing I will say though; they're better after they've been in the fridge for 30 minutes, it gives them a better texture that's more like a truffle and less like cake.  But if you want them to have a caky texture, by all means!  Eat them at room temperature.

2 cups Medjool Dates from Trader Joe's, pitted
1 cup coconut flour
¼ cup chia seeds
¼ cup almond meal
¼ cup cocoa powder
¼ cup agave nectar
1 cup almond milk

Combine all of the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor.

Blend into a smooth dough, adding more almond milk as needed.  The dough should hold together easily when you try to form it into balls, but it shouldn't be sticky enough that you need to flour your hands.

Form the date dough into 64 uniform (about 1" across) balls.  I used my smallest ice cream scoop for this step, but if you don't have one small enough, you can just use your hands.  I personally thought these 1 inch truffles were the perfect size, but if you want them bigger of smaller, you can adjust the size to your liking.

Roll the date balls in your desired coatings.  I did 16 with coconut flour, 16 with cocoa powder, 16 with shredded coconut, and 16 with chia seeds.  You don't have to use all four coatings, I just think it gives them a nice finishing touch.
I love these truffles because they're so easy, they don't require any baking, and they're super healthy (which is always an upside)!  Wouldn't it be so cute to give people little boxes of these for Christmas?  And they also work as gifts for vegan friends!  Ideas . . .

Coconut Chocolate Date Truffles

2 cups Medjool Dates from Trader Joe's, pitted
1 cup coconut flour
¼ cup chia seeds
¼ cup almond meal
¼ cup cocoa powder
¼ cup agave nectar
1 cup almond milk

Combine all of the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor.

Blend into a smooth dough, adding more almond milk as needed.  The dough should hold together easily when you try to form it into balls, but it shouldn't be sticky enough that you need to flour your hands.

Form the date dough into 64 uniform (about 1" across) balls.  I used my smallest ice cream scoop for this step, but if you don't have one small enough, you can just use your hands.  I personally thought these 1 inch truffles were the perfect size, but if you want them bigger of smaller, you can adjust the size to your liking.

Roll the date balls in your desired coatings.  I did 16 with coconut flour, 16 with cocoa powder, 16 with shredded coconut, and 16 with chia seeds.  You don't have to use all four coatings, I just think it gives them a nice finishing touch.

I love these truffles because they're so easy, they don't require any baking, and they're super healthy (which is always an upside)!  Wouldn't it be so cute to give people little boxes of these for Christmas?  And they also work as gifts for vegan friends!  Ideas . . . 

To see more of my pictures you can find me on Instagram at @audreygracephotography.

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